Saturday, July 13, 2013

C4T #4

Common Core State Standards

Post #1: Lisa Thumann's blog post Forming Communities of Practice was a great idea. I hope that when I get a teaching job that my coworkers are as concerned as hers. I really liked how all the staff took time to re-envision the Common Core. I think it was great that they spent so much time trying to be more creativity and collaborative with incorporating the Common Core. They formed a Common Core Community of Practice. This is a virtual/onsite workplace for teachers to collaborate and come up with new creative ways to incorporate the standards of the Common Core. I think this is a great way for all teachers to communicate, and I think this will bring about a lot of new ideas.

My Comment: Hi, I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the course EDM 310. I was assigned to your blog, and I really enjoyed looking and reading around. I enjoyed this post because I think its great to try to create online communities so teachers can collaborate about the Common Core. Im excited
to read more and see how they form!

Post #2: 20 Percent Time was a wonderful post by Lisa Thumann. 20 percent time is actually an idea that is brought about by Google, and is about spending 20 percent of your time doing something not required or in your job description. Google came up with this in 2006 for their engineers, and the idea caught on with other professions. I really liked the example she told us about. A student named Morgan spent her time sharing Apps for Autism. She spread it through twitter,Pinterest, and Tumblr. These apps were helpful for the daily lifes of people with Autism. I found it very helpful that she also provided links to three teachers links that show a project they implemented for there 20 % of time in their classroom with their students. I think this is a good idea to implement in your classroom, because I feel like students are more likely to explore and look around when not required to do so.


My Comment:  really enjoyed this post. I think 20% of your time outside of your specific job description is great because it can allow us to find new exciting ideas or meaningful things we could share with students. I also liked 20% of time being incorporated into the classroom, it gives the students a chance to go deeper into an assignment or project.

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