Wednesday, July 3, 2013

C4T #3

Langwitches Blog written by Silvia Tolisano

Post #1: In the post More Ipad Workflow Scenarios in the Langwitch Blog it tells us about a very useful app. I found the post very educational for me since I will be a future teacher. The app is called the Basic App Toolkit and creates a workflow for students and teachers. I like how she said it supports the learnflow of LEARN>CREATE>SHARE.I think its a good app to keep teachers and students organized.

Basic App Toolkit

My Comment: Hi, my name is Brittany Allemand. I am a student at the University of South Alabama, in the EDM 310 class. I really enjoyed your blog and this post. I found the diagrams to be very helpful. I like how everything was organized, and I feel like it be a good app to use.

Post#2: No You Can't Just Take It was a great post! I loved how blunt and honest she was. She even showed a picture of how her post and comments might have offended some people by providing a picture of comments on her facebook back and forth with a woman.Not everyone took it as serious as Silvia, but I understand completely where she is coming from. No one wants to work hard on something and then get it taken by another teacher and them get the credit. I liked how she put the picture of no you cant just take it: because you found it on Google, because you can right click and pretend you created it, in the name of education, because your a teacher, or to make money off of something she shares freely. She does support building upon and sharing her work, just as long as you give her credit. She mentions three things she requires for sharing or building onto her work. Attribution,giving her the credit of original creator, non-commercial, meaning do not use her work to make money, and Share-alike, which deals with sharing and using her work and using the creative commons license terms.
plagiarism sign

My Comment: I thought this post was a great way to open some people's eyes to the fact that you can not just take someone else's information without giving them credit. I like how you spoke your mind and just pointed out the blunt truth. Great post, I totally agree.


  1. Langwitchs is one of my favorites. I follow her blog and read almost every post. She is a key member of my PLN!

    Well done.

  2. Great job on the summary! It really is disappointing to see someone take credit for your work. I make art on occasion, and I post it online for my friends and followers to see. So I always have to worry that someone might try to take my art and claim it as their own. That's why it's always important to provide sources for things that you use in presentations, videos, etc.!

    I only have one thing to point out. When you say, "because your a teacher", that "your" needs to be "you're". :)
