Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Project #13

Brittany Allemand, Grace Hofer, Chasity Heubach 

Some of the ACCRS reading standards for second grade are
- "Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges"
- "Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action"
Technologic tools used for this project include
- Word Processor
- Blogger 
- iMovie if using a Mac 
Below is a picture of a weekly lesson plan for meeting these standards. It could be spread out to multiple weeks by letting the student read the book individually. However, we used an example of this standard in a weekly lesson plan. 
week lesson plan for second grade
We chose Blogger for the students to upload their book report to because it is public. Using Blogger could let people from around the world, other students in the classroom, and teachers to be able to read it and comment their thoughts. The lesson plan we chose included different ways of learning. Reading the book was a way that did not involve any technology. Writing the book report on Word Processor would let the students use the computer to make their project. Uploading it to Blogger would allow the students  learn how blogging works, as well as how to present their writing.
In the reading standard, the students would learn how to describe characters and how they respond to events through writing. Another option that the students could do, is make their report into a podcast by using iMovie if working on a Mac. Doing this they would then upload their podcast to Blogger.

                                       Lesson plan book


  1. I see that you want to use blogger and Microsoft Word for you project. I think you could have been more detailed by what you want to do each day. On Tuesday, would the students already have a blogger account?
    If not, how long should you have given them in class to set up this account?
    I'm not sure how long it would take to read Charlotte's web as a class, but would it really only take one day (Monday)?
    If the students use Word to type their book report, how would you upload that to blogger?

    You have to think about these kinds of things when you are planning a project like this. I believe you need to be more detailed in your plan.

    Stephen Akins

  2. This is not a lesson plan. Did you use the materials of the Buck Institute or the materials on Thom Markham's web site. It does not appear that you did. What is the central question?

    This is NOT what you were asked to do. Reread the instructions. If you do not understand what you were supposed to do, send me an email asking me questions.

    See Stephen's comment.
